| 1922, 101 - Die Hexe mit dem Kamm
- The Witch with the Comb
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 102 - Po, der Ingenieur
- Po, the Engineer
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 103 - Haus der Firma Z
- House of the firm Z
- House of the Z Company
- Maison de la firme Z
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 104 - Utopische Bretterconstruction
- Utopian Construction with Boards
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 106 - Blumen im Wind
- Flowers in the Wind
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 107 - Kleine Komödie auf der Wiese
- Little Comedy in the Meadow
- Small Comedy on the Meadow
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 108 - Kleines Regattabild
- Small Picture of a Regatta
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 109 - betroffener Ort
- Affected Place
- Lugar afectado
- Scene of Calamity
| Links - is or has been available at | BooksFiles |
 | 1922, 111 - Beginn der Auferstehung
- Début de la résurrection
| Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 111
| |
 | 1922, 112 - Botschaft an das Proletariat
| Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 112
| |
 | 1922, 113 - Schicksale um die Jahres-Wende
- Fates at the Turn of the Year
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 114 | Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 115 | Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 115
| |
 | 1922, 116 | Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 116
| |
 | 1922, 117 | Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 120 - Theater der Exoten
- The Theatre of Exotics
| Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 120
| Books |
 | 1922, 121 - Apparat aus dem Ordinationszimmer des Dr. Ph.
- Apparatus from the consulting room of Dr. Ph.
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 122 - Genien (Figuren aus einem Ballett)
- Génies (personnages d'un ballet)
- Genii (Figures from a ballet)
| Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 122
| Books |
 | 1922, 123 - Der Tugenwagen (zur Erinnerung an den 5 Oktober 1922)
- The virtue wagon (to the Mamory of October 5 1922)
- The Chariot of Virtue (in memory of october 5, 1922.)
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 124 - Das Scherzo mit der Dreizehn
- Scherzo with Thirteen
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 125 - Schaufenster fur Damenunterkleidung
- Schaufenster für Damenunterbekleidung
- Window Display for Lingerie
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 126 - Das Vokaltuch der Kammersängerin Rosa Silber
- Vocal Fabric of the Singer Rosa Silber
- L'étoffe vocale de la cantatrice Rosa Silber
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 127 | Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 129 - Urnensammlung
- Urn collection
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 130 - Kunstvoller Sternbehälter
- Precious Container for Stars
- Ingenious Star Container
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 131 - Schreck eines mädchens
- Fright of a girl
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 132 - Madchen a Sachsen
- Maid of Saxony
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 134 - Blumenfamilie V.
- Blumen Familie V
- Flower Family V.
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 135 - Schicksals Stunde des Kaisers
- L'heure fatidique de l'empereur
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 136 - Der König alles Ungeziefers
- The King of All Insects
- The King of All Vermin
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 137 - Agricultur Versuchsanlage für den Spätherbst
- Agricultural Experimental Plan for Late Fall
| Links - is or has been available at | BooksFiles |
 | 1922, 138 - Guter Fischplatz
- Good place for fish
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 139 | Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 140 | Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 141 | Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 142 - Ouvertüre
- Overture
- Ouverture
| Links - is or has been available at | Files |
 | 1922, 144 - Der Heldentenor als Konzertsänger
- The Heroic Tenor as Concert Singer
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 146 - Der Marsch zum Gipfel
- La marxa del cim
- The march to the summit
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 147 - Häuser an der Brücke
- Drei Häuser an der Brücke
- Three Houses by the Bridge
- Three houses at the bridge
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 150 - Garten-Plan
- Plan de jardin
- Hageplan
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 151 - Die Zwitscher-Maschine
- Die Zwitschermaschine
- The Twittering Machine
- La máquina de trinar
- La machine à gazouiller
- Macchina per garrire
| Links - is or has been available at | BooksFiles |
 | 1922, 152 - Abenteuer eines Fräuleins
- A Young Lady's Adventure
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 153 | Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 154 | Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 155 - Hauptszene aus dem Ballet "Der falsche Schwur"
- Scène principale du ballet "Le Faux Serment"
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 156 - Mystische Miniatüre
- Mystical miniature
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 158 - Exotische Flusslandschaft
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 159 - Schwankendes Gleichgewicht
- Wavering Balance
- Unstable Equilibrium
- Équilibre chancelant
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 160 - Versuch einer entwicklung des fluges
- Experiment on the Development of Flight
- Attemp at a development of flight
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 161 | Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 161
| |
 | 1922, 162 - tragische Hexenballade mit Drehorgelbegleitung
- Tragique ballade de sorcières, sur un air d'orgue de barbarie
| Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 162
| |
 | 1922, 163 - Theater des masken
- Theater of Masks
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 164 - Wind von Links unten
- Wind from the Lower Left
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 168 | Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 168
| Books |
 | 1922, 169 - Diavolospielendes Mädchen
| Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 169
| |
 | 1922, 170 - Analÿse verschiedener Perversitäten
- Analysis of Various Perversities
- Analyse des perversités diverses
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 173 - KN der Schmied
- KN le forgeron
- KN the Blacksmith
- The Smithy
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 174 - Wachstum der Nachtpflanzen
- Growth of noctural plants
- Growth of the night plants
- Crescita delle piante notturne
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 176 - Kleines Tannenbild
- Little Pine Tree
- Small Picture of Firtrees
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 178 - Bühnenlandschaft
- Stage Landscape
- Paysage de théâtre
- Décor de scène : paysage
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 179 | Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 181 - Senecio (Baldgreis)
- Senecio (soon to be aged)
- Senecio (bientôt vieillard)
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 182 - Urnenstätte der Familie Ochsenfrosch
- Columbarium for the Ochsensfroch Family
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 182a - Verso: Untitled, ca. 1919-20
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 183 - Gartensiedlung
- Gardencity
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 184 - Schicksalstunde um dreiviertel zwölf
- The Fateful Hour: 11:45
- Fatefuk Hour at a Quarter to Twelve
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 187 | Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 187
| |
 | 1922, 188 | Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 188
| |
 | 1922, 189 - Kobold für das Nadelkissen
| Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 189
| |
 | 1922, 190 | Links - is or has been available at | Books |
 | 1922, 192 - Erste Zeichnung zum Gespenst eines Genies
- First Drawing for "Specter of a Genius"
| Links - is or has been available at | |
 | 1922, 194 - Rede an die Tiere
- Speech to the Animals
| Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 194
| |
 | 1922, 197 - Kriegerischer Pflug
- Bellicose Plough
| Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 197
| |
 | 1922, 198 - Die Maschine wird heimgeführt
- The Machine is Brought Home
| Links - is or has been available at - Zentrum Paul Klee session
+ Suche Search Recherche : 1922, 198
| |
 | 1922, 199 - Pflanzlich - menschlich gepaart
- Vegetable-human mated
| Links - is or has been available at | Books |